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calibrar 0.9

  • new optim2() equivalent to stats::optim() but with parallel computation of numerical gradients.

  • new optimh() wrapping heuristic methods with the same syntax of stats::optim().

  • the calibrate() function implements the restart functionality for the Rvmmin method too, useful for the optimization of deterministic functions with long runtime.

  • Improved methods for visualization of results.

  • All optimization methods available in calibrate() can use functions reading and writing from the disk.

  • Functioncalibrate() can use a different method for each estimation phase.

  • calibrate() is a generic now.

  • Automatic stopping criteria for the AHR-ES method:

        - 0: maxit/maxgen only
        - 1: 1 OR max step reduction
        - 2: relative tolerance on value (smoothing for AHR-ES)
        - 3: maximum number of generations without improvement of `reltol`.
  • Automatic testing using testthat package.

  • Automatic support to optimize functions produced with the TMB package, via a method for calibrate().

  • getCalibrationInfo(), createObjectiveFuction() and getObservedData() are defunct now.

calibrar 0.3

calibrar 0.2

  • par argument for the calibrate function can be a list
  • optimization methods from optimx, stats::optim and cmaes can be used
  • several minor bugs fixed

calibrar 0.1

  • First release